this section will feature all the mwa late breaking news as we draw closer to the mwa season
* the Stud has been workin out, and gettin in shape pre-parin for his season in the mwa, he claims to be lookin sexier
then ever and will be the ladies man of the fed
*Rumor has it that there may be some ladies headed to the mwa this season, maybe a womans division, who knows! check
back for more on this topic
*What is up with da big tone? he hasnt excepted an offical deal yet, but we still are keeping in touch with the former
2 time mwf champ
*new blood coming to the mwa, we look forward to see new wrestlers in the backyard rring and our announce team of zac
and Gilbert
* ppvs are planned to happen once a month, with wrestlezone the biggest one happenin sometime in July or August
* 3 major titles will be in play this season, mwa world,intercontental and hardcore